Unpaid Endorsement: The Nature Breakthroughs Podcast

Dr. Ben Goldman has an interesting a life journey anyone could ask for. His work in technology, sustainability, and art led to a Presidential Executive Order, a Supreme Court victory, and a new social movement. He also served as an advisor to the Clinton administration. Regardless of where you stand on politics, his experience is not found on a typical resume. Here’s the link to his bio if you’re curious to learn more.

The conversation we had on his Nature Breakthrough Podcast, however, mentions none of these things. In fact, we discuss what happens when attempts to address difficult topics fail to reach our intended resolution. Want to know how personal it gets? He had a falling out with his father.

In over a hundred podcast conversations I’ve had so far, I don’t think I’ve ever had a host be this vulnerable when sharing difficult moments in family relationships. I’m grateful to the chance to reflect on lessons learned and to remind ourselves we’re only human. I hope you’ll be inspired to listen to the whole episode.

Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.


Unpaid Endorsement: Your Transformation Station Podcast


Unpaid Endorsement: The Miracle U Podcast