Unpaid Endorsement: The Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Podcast

De’Vannon Hubert has a life journey like no other. He dealt with drug addiction, homelessness, time in the armed forces, an HIV diagnosis, and rejection from church for his church for his sexuality. The resilience he has shown in navigating his adversity is what inspired me to apply to appear on his podcast. In fact, the first conversation we had was so great, he brought me back a second time!

In our talks, we focus a little more on our church experiences. While no church is perfect, we both hope that they will be more intentional about building relationships and not the business. Some of the stories we share are fairly raw, but we can’t change the moments which validate our authenticity. Please enjoy a side topic I don’t get to focus on as frequently but is still a crucial part of how I grew as a leader.

Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.


Unpaid Endorsement: The Miracle U Podcast


The Top 5 Consequences Of Avoiding Relationship Conflict