How much do you enjoy learning English? Whether having learned English as your first language or as a foreigner having to learn it in order to build global relationships, English has more than its shares of pitfalls, exceptions, and obscure pronunciations. I can assure you that the methods I experienced learning English growing up weren’t very good. All Ears English provides a better way for anyone to learn English more effectively, even if you think your grammar is pretty good.

Of course, having a solid grasp of the language means little if you don’t speak up. In my conversation with Lindsay on the All Ears English podcast, we discuss the multilayered conflicts which arise as leaders go global. Leadership in a homogenous organization already has enough challenges as is. But as the world becomes increasingly connected, no leader can afford to be unaware or uninformed about the cultural tripwires they need to bypass if they expect to be effective in building relationships and getting results. Lindsay and Michelle clearly have a heart for helping people communicate effectively, and it was an honor and a joy to be on their podcast.

Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.

Unpaid Endorsement: The Convos With Clay Podcast


Unpaid Endorsement: Your Transformation Station Podcast