Unpaid Endorsement: The Second Mix Podcast

Matthew Bennett almost died this year.

As the host of the Second Mix Podcast, Matthew’s take on self-development isn’t meant to come across as an all-knowing expert. In fact, he’s hosting people like me to learn from and improve himself first. It’s the best complementary coaching session ever!

Matt’s experiences have given him a perspective and drive that wouldn’t be authentic had he been spared from them. While we don’t have to set ourselves up to suffer in order to learn the more valuable lessons, we can’t undo the past either. When I was younger, I know how strongly I believed that if I didn’t get my decisions right early on, that my fate was sealed and I could do nothing to change it. Sometimes the quickest way through a challenge is straight ahead, even if it takes a while. Matt’s story shows that no matter where you are in life, you can do something to alter your trajectory as long as you have today. Pick an area, think big, start small, and act now!

I appreciate Matt’s humility, his curiosity, and his desire to help himself as he helps others through the conversations on his podcast. Given all the life interruptions that got in the way of even trying to release our episode together, having this available is a testament to his grit and integrity. Stay in touch, Matt!

Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.


Unpaid Endorsement: The Road to Growth Podcast


Unpaid Endorsement: The Level Up Tribes Podcast